Bliv dygtigere til at bruge medieklip i din undervisning – med historiefortælling som et vigtigt omdrejningspunkt.
Periode 9. - 10. oktober 2024
Sted BALLE Kursus & Læring, 7182 Bredsten, Vejle
Underviser Jamie Keddie
Pris 2995 kr + moms.
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Video and story - til engelsklæreren

Formål med kurset

  • Learn how to find and evaluate good video content for language teaching contexts
  • Understand some practical principles about how human beings engage with video narratives
  • Learn how to apply critical thinking to video and encourage students to do the same
  • Explore essential video principles and acquire fundamental teaching techniques for using video in and out of the classroom
  • Take away bank of original and engaging video activities and lesson plans
  • Explore possibilities for video-making tasks in and out of the classroom

Kursus program

Jamie is an exuberant Scot with a seemingly endless supply of original and imaginative teaching ideas.


What is it about language teachers and video?
Why do we feel the need to turn to sites like YouTube as a source of material and inspiration?
Adverts, short films, and viral videos might be fun and entertaining. But why bring them into the language classroom?

The answer is quite simple: Like all human beings, language learners need narrative.
As teachers, we intuitively know this and video provides us with a constant stream of visual stories to engage them.

But despite this, it can be too easy to use video without really exploiting the possibilities that it offers. In other words, although it’s the story that we love, too often, it’s the story that we neglect.

On this course, you will develop an understanding of how human beings interact with video narratives and how this can be exploited in the classroom.
You will learn how to find and evaluate video content to engage students and get them listening, thinking, speaking, collaborating, problem solving and language learning.
As well as acquiring fundamental principles and teaching techniques, you will also take away a bank of ready-made teaching ideas and lesson plans.

Om underviseren

Jamie Keddie

Jamie Keddie is a teacher, trainer, author and storyteller. He has shared his ideas with educators in over 40 different countries.

Jamie is the founder of LessonStream – a community of teachers with a passion for using story to engage students. He is an affiliate trainer at Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) in the UK and is the author of the following books:

  • ’Images’ (Oxford University Press 2009)
  • ‘Bringing Online Video into the Classroom’ (Oxford University Press 2014)
  • ‘Videotelling: YouTube Stories for the Classroom’ (LessonStream Books 2016)
  • ‘The dog ate my lesson plan: 50 story ideas for the classroom (LessonStream Book, coming in 2024)

Jamie is from Edinburgh in Scotland. He currently lives in Barcelona.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Kurset foregår på engelsk da instruktør Jamie Keddie kommer fra Skotland.
Hele kursusforløbet er meget praksisnært.

Undervejs i kursusforløbet vil der være lidt tid til at spørge ind til dine kursuskollegaers gode ideer fra deres undervisning. Men der er derudover sat tid af til erfaringsudveksling sidst på dag 1.

Kurset henvender sig til lærere i grundskolen som underviser i engelsk.
Altså engelsklærere der underviser fra 1. – 10. klasse.

Medbring en computer.

Varigheden. Vi er det eneste kursussted, der har 2-dages kursus. Længden er god, fordi det kan være svært for lærere at være væk fra deres undervisning i flere dage.

Det er derudover første gang nogensinde det er lykkedes at lokke instruktør Jamie Keddie til Danmark. Dette kursus er dermed en Danmarksnyhed!

Tilbud om overnatning

Der kan tilkøbes overnatning for kr. 625 for et enkeltværelse, og kr. 850 for et dobbeltværelse. Vi samarbejder med flere gode overnatningssteder i nærheden af skolen.

Søg kompetencefonden om økonomisk støtte til kurset, overnatning og transport. Det er der mange skoler der benytter sig af. Skal søges inden kursusstart.
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